Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) Provision at St Thomas More
We believe that PSHE is a fundamental subject as it underpins learning in all areas of the curriculum and is the language which weaves through all aspects of school life and empowering children with a positive sense of self-worth and supports them in being active citizens.
At St Thomas More our intention is:
- To create and deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all, is rooted in our Catholic faith and school values of unity, humility, respect, determination and fairness and that will maximise the outcomes for every child. We aim for our children to become equipped with the knowledge and understanding to be healthy, independent and responsible members of their local society and global citizens both now and in the future.
- We aim to help our children to understand how they are developing personally and socially and to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues which are part of growing up.
- We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and how they can play an active role as a member of a diverse society.
Our children are encouraged to develop a sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
To build a PSHE curriculum that incorporates the understanding of RSE so that children know how to be safe and can understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives.
Children have weekly PSHE lessons which explore mental, emotional and physical well-being, our responsibility towards others and the environment. Children are empowered to make healthy choices for themselves and others.
Our programme of study links directly with the DfE Statutory Guidance ‘Relationships Education, Relationships & Sex Education and Health Education (2019). PSHE and RHE Long Term Plan Summary provides a succinct overview of the areas we look at each term across the school and our RHE Policy describes our approach to teaching the subject.
Relationships Education
Within Relationships Education we explore: families and people who care for us, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe.
Further information on this can be found in our Relationships and Sex Education Policy (see policies section of school Website).
Relationships & Sex Education is taught as part of our Religious Education programme with a view to encouraging children to respond to the gift of being created male and female, with pride, and a commitment to follow God’s plan for life and love. We use the Ten Ten Programme ‘Life to the Full’ to support us in the delivery of this. More information can be found on the programme below:
Ten:Ten – Life to the Full Programme
Parents can view all the lesson resources beforehand by visiting the Ten:Ten – Life To The Full Parent Portal:
Further information about each lesson can be found in the Life to the Full Parent Portal: www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal
School Username: st-thomas-ox5 School Password: blue-planet-12
Please also see our Relationships and Sex Education Policy (found on the School Policies & Procedures page)
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from participating in this – further details on this are in our Relationships and Sex Education Policy.
Health Education
Within Health Education we explore: mental well-being, internet safety and harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health & prevention, basic first aid and changing adolescent body.
Mental Well-being
Mental Well-being is a thread through our school culture and all our PSHE and is explored throughout the Ten Ten materials and further supplemented through a focus on this in the Autumn term using materials from the PSHE Association. We have also taken part in national awareness days including Mental Health Awareness Week.
Drugs Education
We use materials from CWP to support a progressive approach to drugs, alcohol and tobacco education which informs children about the safe handling of medicinal drugs as well as the consequences of misusing substances and also encourages children to develop the skills of resisting peer pressure, resilience, empathy, self awareness and assertiveness.
Online Safety
We teach our children about internet safety and harms through a progressive scheme embedded into our Ten Ten programme of study as well as regularly in Computing lessons. Children also take part in the national Safer Internet Day every year.
Economic Education - Money and Careers
We explore this important topic using resources from our Ten Ten programme from Reception to Year 6.
Citizenship encourages children to take a responsible role in society. Our children are encouraged to be leaders and have opportunities to take on various roles including: School Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Catholic Ambassadors and Play Leaders.
Gospel Virtues & British Values
Gospel Virtues are also looked at in both assemblies and class. We have a two year rolling programme and this includes: courage and honesty among many others.
British Values are also taught at St Thomas More. These are directly linked to our school values of unity, humility, respect, determination and fairness and are embedded in our school ethos, PSHE and across other areas of the curriculum. The Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are also referred to during Collective Worship. For more information, please see Teaching British Values at St Thomas More below:
Anti-Bullying Week
Every year we take part in the national Anti-Bullying Week exploring different themes each year in PSHE lessons and assemblies. Children also wear odd socks for Odd Socks Day promoting and celebrating the fact that we are all different and unique.
RHE & PSHE Progression
See planned programme of progression in RHE & PSHE Skills Ladder